Tom Lewis

3 min

What Makes an Eye-Catching Logo? Here Are 10 Creative Logo Designs To Get Inspired By

Updated: Mar 10, 2022

When you think of creative logo designs, what's the first example that pops into your head?

Believe it or not, your logo doesn't have to be complex and extravagant to stand out. Actually, the more simplistic it is, the easier it will be for people to remember.

Think about it: McDonald's, Starbucks, Target, and Apple are all household names with very simplistic logos.

However, the one thing you'll notice is that each of these logos has evolved. That's because, like it or not, your logo needs to keep up with the ever-changing design trends.

At least if you want your company to withstand the test of time.

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Creative Logo Designs: How Can You Stand Out?

If design isn't your forte, it's imperative that you hire a professional to create your logo for you. A seasoned designer will be up to date on the latest colors, fonts, and graphics.

Why is it important for your designer to know these things? Well, there are a few reasons.

For one, there's actual color psychology that goes into creative logo designs. For example, did you know that if you want your company to be seen as exclusive and luxurious, you'll want to have a predominately purple logo?

Another reason outsourcing this job is critical to your success is because your logo helps your company stand out. And if you try to DIY it, you'll probably find yourself trying to redesign a knock-off of a logo you like.

Think about it: logo artists are constantly imagining new concepts for business owners. That means they're getting to know your company intimately to help prescribe custom colors and images that customers will forever associate with your brand.

It's also important to designers that no two logos look the same. This is how you know you’ll be getting a design that’s unique to your brand.

If you pay the right price, anyway (but more on that later).

2022 Logo Design Trends You Should Know About

Remember when the Apple logo used to be a striped rainbow? And have you ever seen the original Starbucks mermaid?

These logos change over time to stay on top of the trends. Every logo will go through its rebrand and redesign phases.

For example, here are some logo trends coming in 2022:

1. Minimalist logos

2. Sans Serif Font logos

3. Tall/Vertical logos

4. Sketch logos

5. Geometric shapes

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10 Creative Logo Design Ideas

To give you an idea of what creative logo designs look like in the modern world, here are 5 of our favorite logo concepts we’ve whipped up for our clients:

1. Aylward

Font: Optima (Sans Serif Font)

Style: Geometric

Colors: Multi

2. Sandler

Font: Caslon (Serif Typeface Font)

Style: Minimalist

Colors: Black/White/Gray

3. Hutchens

Font: Bembo(Serif Typeface Font)

Style: Minimalist

Colors: Red/White

4. The Grander

Font: Trajan (Serif Typeface Font)

Style: Icon/Symbolic

Colors: Gold/Navy

5. Kistler

Font: Franklin Gothic (Sans Serif Font)

Style: Minimalist

Colors: Gray

And for good measure, here are 6 more creative logo designs to give you some inspiration:

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Prices for Logo Designs

Unfortunately, you're never going to get a solid answer on the prices for logo designs. In fact, all the top answers you’ll find on Google all say the same thing:

It depends.

It depends on where you live, your logo designer’s experience, whether you go freelance or agency, among other factors. The real answer to how much is costs for a logo is this: whatever you’re willing to spend on it.

In short, you should expect to pay anywhere from $25 to thousands of dollars for a logo. But remember— that you get what you pay for.

The price for logo designs is anywhere between:

$0-10 if you DIY it

$200-$500 if you hire a beginner freelance artist

$1,000-$3,000 if you hire a moderate to experienced logo designer

$5,000+ if you hire a well-known branding agency

Do you want to talk to a professional about your logo design? Let’s brainstorm ideas during your first consultation.

Tom Lewis, Partner | Creative Director

With over 20 plus years of award-winning advertising and design experience, Tom has spent much of his career working with a variety of companies throughout the southeast. His client list has included: UNC Lenoir Health Care, Hutchens Law Firm, Equifax, Georgia Pacific, Primerica Financial Services, Weyerhaeuser, The Atlanta Hawks, Randstad Staffing, Craven County Tourism, America Knits, Guardian Repellent, and The Shizzle Jerk Marinade.
